Philippe Pouletty
MD, Cofounder

Philippe Pouletty is a medical doctor (Paris VI University), an immunologist, a former intern at the Paris Hospitals, and a valedictorian of the Pasteur Institute. He is Truffle Capital's representative on the Board of Directors and was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. Philippe Pouletty is the inventor of 29 patents, including Stanford University's second most valuable patent in the life sciences. Philippe Pouletty is co-founder and Managing Director of Truffle Capital.
He is a former President of France Biotech, the French association of biotech companies, and a former Vice President of Europabio, the European Federation of Biotechnology. He also founded three biotech and medical device companies (Abivax, Carbios, Carmat) which represent about 30% of the market capitalization of these sectors on Euronext Paris among the largest BioMedTech companies in R&D phase. He also founded several BioMedTech companies that were the target of major M&A transactions (Symetis, Vexim).
Philippe Pouletty has been at the origin of several government initiatives in France, including the 1999 Act on the simplification of company law (SAS), the "Biotech 2002 Plan" to revive and develop biotechnology, and the status of the Young Innovative Company in France, which grants important tax exemptions to technology companies.